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 2019 Bricklin International Eastern Meet
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Posted - February 10 2019 :  18:51:11  Show Profile Send Vin2889 a Private Message  Reply with Quote
2019 Bricklin International Eastern Meet

2019 July 24, 25, 26, 27, 28

Bricklin International Eastern Meet - 2019
Front Royal, VA (Shenandoah Valley, in the shadow of the Blue Ridge Mountains)

Dates: July 24th - 28th, 2019

Hotel: Holiday Inn - Blue Ridge Shadows, 111 Hospitality Drive, Front Royal, VA 22630

Price is $109.00 per night, with an option at check-in to buy a discounted breakfast at the onsite restaurant, which is a Houlihans.
The Hotel website link is below:

The group code for registering is BIC.

Or call them (540) 631-3050. Tell them youre with Bricklin International and our Group Code is BIC

The hotel has a very nice large lobby with seating, and a nice banquet area.

We will have a Hospitality Suite in the banquet area, and will use this for evening get togethers. The Hotel will reserve the back parking lot just for us and provide a car washing area. The hotel fronts a fantastic golf course, for those that play.

There are a batch of restaurants right up the road at I-66, including Fridays, IHOP, Applebees, Cracker Barrel, McCallisters, Los Potrillos Mexican, and some fast food options such as Roy Rogers and Checkers. There are several fuel options, including the Sunoco right across from the hotel that sells No-Ethanol fuel.

Tentative schedule:

July 24th, 2019
Arrive at the Hotel. The hospitality room opens at 5:00pm. We may arrange for an early afternoon event, as we get closer to the date, for those that arrive early. More on this in the next issue of the Brickline.

July 25th, 2019
The morning event is still TBD

1:00pm - 5:00pm: The afternoon event is dependent on the number of people interested, but weve tentatively gotten track time at Summit Point Raceway, right on the West Virginia/Virginia line. The registration for this event, including payment, will be through the website:
A locked in link will be forthcoming. The cost for this track time is pricey, and will be $295.00 per person/car. We will need 20 people to sign up to make it a viable event. This will include track time in your Bricklin, 4 sessions, of twenty minutes per session. A last lap, sort of a parade lap, will be included. As BMR is also a DHS (Homeland Security) training facility, the special part of this included in your registration fee also includes you getting Skid Pad training time in their Ford Crown Vics. This is the same law enforcement training that the facility provides, and from those Ive spoken to that have done it, is worth the price! They have some loaner helmets for those that need motorsport level helmets for the track time, or you can bring your own (advisable). (The parade lap will not require a helmet.)
Folks that want to come, but not wish to participate in the track time or skid pad time, will be able to come and can hang out in the paddock together.
(If we cant get enough folks to sign up for the track time, the backup event will be to head to Dulles and go to the Steven F. Udvar-Hazy National Air & Space Museum and check out all they have to offer, including one of the surviving Space Shuttles and SR-71 Blackbird, on display)
Post track time (or museum) will be an evening Brick-nic and tech session at the home (and back yard) of Katie and Steve Stratton. We will be having catered BBQ (both pork and chicken) and sides, beverages, and Bob Hoffman has offered to do another tech session in our garage. He will answer any questions about maintaining your Bricklin that you might have.
The evening will end back at the hotel, and we will have the Hospitality Suite opened for all.

Friday, July 26th, 2019:
9:00am: Leave the hotel for a driving tour down to Luray, Virginia, which is about 30 miles and end up at the Historic Luray Caverns. The visit will include a tour of the caverns, and a pass to visit the rest of the site, including a wonderful brass-era Car and Carriage Caravan museum, a garden maze, and the Luray Valley Museum.
Once the tours have completed, lunch can be had onsite, in historic downtown Luray, or folks can head 4 miles west up Highway 211 to Cooters Place just outside Luray, which is owned by Ben Jones, Cooter of Dukes of Hazard fame, and a former US Congressman. On-site there is a Dukes of Hazzard memorabilia museum (including a 1969 Dodge Charger General Lee and other cars from show), a small restaurant with diner style food, and a gift shop.
Afterwards, the driving tour will cross the Blue Ridge Mountains on East 211 (which is a bit of a challenging drive, as we cross Skyline Drive), and head down to Rappahannock County. A drive through the countryside, including Washington, VA (surveyed by George Washington when he was still a teenage surveyor for Lord Fairfax, and still using his street layout), will end us at our next destination: Rappahannock Cellars and Dida's Distillery. There we will have a mid-afternoon tour of the winery and production facilities, including tastings of their products. They produce both wines and grape-based spirits, and are recognized as one of the best Virginia wineries.
People can linger on their decks, post tour, and enjoy a glass of wine and a cheese plate, or head back to the hotel, up Route 522 through the Town of Front Royal.
For Friday evening, the Hospitality Suite will be open for all.

Saturday, July 27th, 2019:
9:00am to 3:00pm will be car show and judging in Front Royal. (The logistics are being finalized, and will be posted soon).
6:00pm will be cocktails, pre-dinner
6:30pm will be the Bricklin International banquet. This will be a sit-down dinner with a cash bar. Dinner choices are listed on the registration sheet and include soup or salad, coffee, tea, iced tea, water, and desert.

Sunday, July 28th, 2019:
Say goodbyes, and head home until next year!

Registration forms will be in the next two issues of the Bricklin, and will also be posted on the Bricklin Forum and Bricklin Facebook pages. If you have ideas for other things to do (such as a drive in the Bricklin's up Skyline Drive), please let me know, and we'll see what we can do.

As always, we are looking for judges for Saturday. If you are interested please let me know.

We are looking forward to seeing everyone in the Shenandoah Valley in July!


Steve & Katie Stratton

VIN's #1339 & #2889

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Posted - March 08 2019 :  18:52:29  Show Profile Send Vin2889 a Private Message  Reply with Quote

The link to the downloadable meet registration form, in PDF format, is below. Please note that the due date is July 1st, 2019. I have to provide a firm count of dinners 10 days out, and anyone not registered prior to will have a limited selection of dinners to choose from, as we will only be purchasing 10 extras, due to the cost.

Thanks for your interest and involvement in the club. More meet info to be posted soon, and please let me know if you have any questions.

Steve S.

VIN's #1339 & #2889
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Posted - May 30 2019 :  21:15:21  Show Profile Send jim1191 a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Just to bring everyones attention/reminder of the upcoming meet.
I believe there is a meet registration form attached above.
Hope to see some old friends and meet some new ones.
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Posted - August 12 2019 :  08:55:37  Show Profile Send 75ufo a Private Message  Reply with Quote
I found this article in the Front Royal Examinner about the 2019 East Meet. It includes a video interview with Steve and some views of the cars about halfway through.

Don in Phoenix
VIN 1260 75 UFO
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Posted - August 12 2019 :  16:27:39  Show Profile Send brickfortom a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Great find. Hang by the phone Mr. Stratton, Hollywood's gonna be calling!
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Posted - August 14 2019 :  14:45:57  Show Profile Send Vin2889 a Private Message  Reply with Quote
Thanks for the nice comment and for posting the link to the interview. Probably should've taken my glasses off, as they slipped down my nose during the course of the interview.


VIN's #1339 & #2889
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