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Posted - February 11 2023 :  18:32:29  Show Profile Send sjzukrow a Private Message
Already posted on Facebook but I know some don't use Facebook.

As most of you know, the publishing of the Brickline has been an issue for quite a while. Mark Bricklin took over the magazine seven years ago. He put out a lot of high-quality magazines but found it difficult to dedicate the time needed to continue and also fulfil his family obligations. We all have lives.
Peggy Hoffman agreed to take on the task but unfortunately was diagnosed with cancer shortly after taking over. Her health understandably comes first and putting together a magazine had to take a back seat. We all wish Peggy the best as she deals with this horrible illness.
A couple weeks ago, I contacted Bricklin International Club president, Robert Zee, to tell him I was considering offering to serve as Brickline editor. Robert spoke to the club board members. Yesterday he called to say the board decided to let me give it a try on a temporary basis. If things work out, this might morph into something long term.
I was already considering offering to serve as Brickline editor a few years in the future once I retire. At age sixty-three, I still have a few years to go but Im seeing that light at the end of the tunnel. Once retired, Id have more time to dedicate to our magazine. Although Ive been involved in IT for 45 years, I dont know anything about desktop publishing, so Id need the time to learn.
Things dont always go as planned. The need for an editor is now. No one else has offered so I decided to move my timetable up and give this a try.
Im going to need help. A lot of it. And a few of you have already graciously offered. I cant do this alone. At this point, I dont even know what help Im going to need. I dont even have the publishing software yet.
One type of help I already know I will need is articles. Im not a professional writer. I might write a few things about subjects I know like Bricklin collectibles but thats about it. The Brickline is not my magazine, its our magazine. We need plenty of interesting articles to fill it. If you have any ideas that can be made into an article, write it up and send it. If youve already written something that hasnt been published, please forward it to me. Some previously written articles may have gotten lost in the shuffle.
Im sure Ill need assistance with the desktop publishing software. At this point, I dont even know what I will be using but Im leaning toward InDesign. If someone reading this is intimately familiar with the program, I might be leaning heavily on you until I learn the ropes.
Suggestions for improvement and new ideas are always welcome.
The last thing I know I will need is a lot of patience from everyone. I know we havent received a magazine since early September. Asking for more patience is asking a lot. I cant change the past publication schedule. Its water over the dam. Ill certainly do my best to put the magazine out on time, but it will take a while to learn the job. I honestly have no idea when Ill be able to publish the next one. I dont know the status of the newest magazine so Im going on the assumption that Im starting from scratch.
Please remember the job of publishing our magazine is a labor of love. Please keep complaints to a minimum unless youre willing to become the magazine editor. Im not taking a dime for my services. None of our club officers get paid. Im attempting this because I love the car and the club. Ive owned my car over forty years. Ive lost track of how long Ive been a club member but its over twenty-five years. I handled Bricklinalia for thirteen years. All for the love a car and the club.
Fingers crossed. I dont know what Ive gotten myself into.

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