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 2025 Bricklin Int. Eastern Grand National Meet

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
Vin2889 Posted - February 04 2025 : 21:28:13

Below is the agenda for this years Eastern Grand National Meet in Indianapolis, IN from July 9th - 13th. The registration form will be up on the forum shortly.



Bricklin International Owners Club's 50th Annual Meet
July 9-13, 2025, Indianapolis, Indiana Preliminary Itinerary 2025 Meet

- Wednesday, July 9th:
Check in at hotel venue, Drury Inn and Suites at 3:00pm/a!er and pick up registration packets in the hospitality suite.
Evening: meet old friends and make new friends at the Drury Inn kick-back for food and drinks from 5:30- 7:00 pm.

- Thursday, July 10th:
Indianapolis Motor Speedway (IMS)
Ride together as a group to the IMS to start the day with a picture of the Bricklin cars in front of the IMS museum. A!er the group track tour, enter the IMS museum which has just gone through a 45-million-dollar renovation. Details are yet to be worked out for visit to the IMS.
For lunch, come as a group and pay on your own at Big Woods Restaurant. Big Woods serves up hearty meals and locally-made cra! beer and spirits in historic downtown Speedway. The restaurant is located just one mile from the track. Known for their pizza, they also have pulled pork BBQ, salads, and huge appetizers such as nachos.
Thursday a!ernoon suggestions for nearby attractions will be outlined in future publications.
Thursday evening, we will meet for drinks and food at the Drury Inn kickback from 5:30 to 7:00 and share your days activities with your friends. Hospitality room will be open for conversation a!er 7.

- Friday, July 11th:
Scavenger Hunt, Westfield, Carmel, Noblesville, & Indianapolis Area
Indianapolis and the surrounding areas have a wide variety of historical sites, outdoor parks, shopping and restaurant venues. We have put together a fantastic hunt which will allow you to choose where and what you would like to pursue. We think you will find this to be fun and a neat way to learn about the area, as well as showcase your cars area-wide. Many suggestions for fun lunch spots will be listed as a part of your hunt package. Drive around the city and give a little buzz and intrigue about our car show!! You can go as a group or go alone, JUST GO! The winner and prize will be announced at the Friday night rae.
Friday evening, we will meet for drinks and food at the Drury Inn kickback from 5:30 to 7:00 we will share your days activities with your friends and fellow owners. Hospitality room will be open at 7:00pm for the rae and winner of the Scavenger Hunt award.

- Saturday, July 12th:
Car Show and Banquet
This years car show will be located at the very popular Forest Park which is located at 701 Cicero Road, Noblesville IN. The Show Time is 10:00am to 3:00pm.
Saturday evening, we will have appetizers and drinks (compliments of The Drury Inn) from 5:30pm 6:00pm. The Banquet, Awards Ceremony, Membership Meeting, and Auction will occur from 6:00pm -10:00pm.

- Sunday, July 13th:
Enjoy your complimentary breakfast and say good bye to your friends until next year

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